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Meet our whānau: Carol Peters

Carol is our Community Development Coordinator whose ties to 155 run deep; she is 155's former  coordinator who has been involved with 155 since its infancy.  Her desire to contribute to Whangārei being a better place to live is unwavering. She holds a PhD in Community-led development and is dedicated to supporting individuals, marae komiti and community groups to achieve their goals. In 2018, she was awarded the Queens Service Medal for her work in the community. ...

July 20, 2022

Meet our whānau: Lyn Hadrup

What is your role with 155? I am the Team Leader at 155 Open Arms and oversee the running of the day centre, ensuring each of our services are supported well in supporting our whānau. Can you share three words you’d use to describe 155 Whare Āwhina? Awhi (support), manaakitanga (respect), whakapapa (connection). What do you enjoy most about working at 155? The whanaungatanga (inclusive) spirit in which our whānau and staff work alongside each other every day.  Who inspires you?  D...

June 27, 2022

COVID-19 Omicron response: How we're operating

We're reducing contact as much as possible during the current RED Alert Level. Here's what you need to know:  155 Open Arms is offering takeaway meals at 11am each day. 155 Food Bank is open Monday and Friday, 9.30am - 12.30pm. Requests will be by phone with pick up times allocated and through providers. We can provide brief face-to-face contact in exceptional circumstances, such as if you have no phone. 155 Housing and Whānau Support continue with outreach services and brief face to ...

February 1, 2022

Community project gives voice to Whangārei’s hidden homeless

Whangārei community health leader Ngaire Rae is steering the 155 Whare Awhina-led project, which is calling on 16 to 24-year-olds across the district to participate in an anonymous survey. “When people think about homelessness, they don’t realise how much an issue it is for young people as it tends to be hidden. “Young people who go from house to house might not consider themselves homeless, because they’ve always got a place to sleep, but they don’t have their own home,” says Rae. ...

October 19, 2021

Do you know your legal rights during Covid-19 response?

Community Law has answered the most frequently asked questions relating to NZ government's COVID-19 law changes.  Select the area of Law you need to know about below: Employment Income support and benefits Immigration If you need further assistance or advice, please give our legal team a call on 0800 155 529. Remember to stay safe and look out for one another (from a distance). Kia haumaru te noho!...

August 20, 2021

Can you help us furnish our transitional whare?

Work is underway turning a house not far from our whare on Kamo Road into a much-needed transitional home. This home will provide accommodation and support for individuals or whānau in Whanāgrei who are in urgent need for a place to stay. We will soon be furnishing and fitting it out - and we're looking for funds to help us purchase good quality, new items that will make it a home. Our list includes; a hand mixer, electric frypan, crockpot, rice cooker, sandwich maker, blender, jugs, toasters,...

August 14, 2021

Te Hiku TV: Local Māmā Officially Launch Businesses

Our Māmā Moving Mountains programme helped these wahine turn their ideas into fully functioning businesses - and they were able to share their mahi with the wider community at their very own Matariki expo.  Read more at Te Hiku Media...

July 13, 2021

In the news: Whangārei's homeless population grows from 21 to 293 from 2018 to 2020

Our CEO Liz Cassidy-Nelson talks to RNZ reporter Sam Olley on homelessness in Whangārei. ...Liz Cassidy-Nelson (Ngāti Kahu o Torongare, Ngāti Hine, Te Kapotai, Te Māhurehure) heads Whangārei's Open Arms day centre for the homeless.It provides kai, showers and spaces for rest, as well as social workers and housing support workers. She said initially it was mostly single, middle-aged men who needed help from her team. Now it was entire families. "That rise keeps rising and of course no one wa...

July 1, 2021

Celebrating Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu National Volunteer Week

This Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu National Volunteer Week, we want to join Volunteering New Zealand in celebrating the collective contribution of all volunteers who enrich Aotearoa New Zealand. They grow our people, open minds, open hearts and create joy #AotearoaofKindness #Volunteer #NVW2021...

June 25, 2021

Meet our whānau: Kim Finkler

Learn more about the friendly face greeting those who come through our door in Kaikohe. ...

June 4, 2021

Kia ora, Kaikohekohe! Your 155 Community Law centre is open

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā mātāwaka o te rohe o te Kaikohekohe. Na koutou te karanga, nā koutou hoki te tono. Nei rā mātou te whakautu ake i ēnā wawata o koutou!! Our 155 Community Law office is now open in Kaikohekohe at 119 Broadway. We are blessed to have been well supported in this kaupapa and especially want to thank Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services and Te Hauora Ō Ngāpuhi for hosting our Kaikohe outreach clinics over the years. We will continue to work closely with He Iwi Ko...

April 1, 2021

155 Open Arms features in K Road Chronicles: Season 2

Our friend, Carmen, features in episode three of the second season of The K Rd Chronicles, which looks to understand the struggles of small-town homeless communities. Carmen volunteers in our 155 Open Arms kitchen, and shares her story with journalist Six. We established 155 Open Arms to give the homeless a place to shower, wash clothes, eat and socialise. “People have challenges in their lives, but everyone has stories of strength, hope and resilience. We’ve been able to give them a place ...

January 13, 2021

K Rd Chronicles: season 2

Season 2 of Stuff's K Road Chronicles webseries allows you to hear directly from the people living on the margins of society, including some of our courageous 155 Open Arms whānau. Thank you K' Road Chronicle for giving an ongoing voice to the homeless of Aotearoa New Zealand. This episode features the story of our 155 Open Arms friend, Mathew, who has six dogs, and how we were able to support him. Watch the full episode on StuffCheck out the full series here: https://interactives.stuff....

January 11, 2021

A virtual tour of 155 Open Arms

Our busy 155 Open Arms day centre is visited more than 9,500 times each year. Learn more about 155 Open Arms...

November 10, 2020

Meet our whānau: Shirleyanne Brown aka Shirl

She’s a wonderful wahine who wears a few 155 hats, including Chair of 155 Food Rescue, coordinator of our Mothers Moving Mountains programme and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project, and is now our Community Development Project Manager. Her connection with 155 stretches decades. Being from Whangārei, 155 touches a lot of our communities and marae. Way back, I worked with Carol Peters on a digital project looking at cyber hubs for marae. How would you describe 155 Community House?No door...

August 20, 2020

Aotearoa Humanity Project

We are honoured to have some of our 155 friends and whānau featured on the Aotearoa Humanity Project ...

June 20, 2020 Posts 26-41 of 41 | Page prev