We have a team of Kaiarahi available to support you with your housing and wellbeing goals.

We can assist with housing navigation, signing you up to the housing register, sustaining your tenancy, WINZ advocacy, and develop a wellbeing plan for you.
0800 120 926
ext. 5
Pop down to 155 Open Arms between 8.30am and 1.00pm, Monday to Friday to talk with one of our Kaiarahi
Emergency Housing
While we are not an Emergency Housing Provider, we can connect you with Work and Income for Emergency Housing.
If you need Emergency Housing and want to contact Work and Income directly, please phone 0800 559 009 or call into your closest Work and Income office.
More information about Emergency Housing support can be found here on the Work and Income website.

Housing Navigation
This service supports those who are facing homelessness to connect with private landlords or apply for social housing.
We will korero together and form a plan that will guide your whānau through the housing process.
Our team works alongside the Ministry of Social Development and other government agencies to ensure you are supported to access the housing you need and what's best for your whānau.
Kāinga Pūmanawa
We are Taitokerau Northland’s approved Housing First agency, operating with Kāhui Tū Kaha and Ngati Hine Health Trust as Kāinga Pūmanawa.
Together we help our community’s chronically homeless find homes and support them in transforming these houses into their own kāinga (home).
Housing First is a Government-contracted, evidence-based approach that recognises it is easier for people to address issues, such as mental health problems and addiction, once they are housed.
We have applied kaupapa Māori framework and whānau ora principles to enhance the sound and proven Housing First model for our Whangārei whānau.
Sustaining Tenancies
This service is for tenants in private rentals or public housing who need practical support to help to sustain their tenancy and address any issues that are putting their tenancy at risk. It is for individuals, families and whānau requiring different levels of service including:
- tenants who need a low level of support to stay in their home
- tenants with complex life events and risk factors (may have problems with alcohol and drugs or require mental health support)
- vulnerable tenants experiencing multiple risk factors and adverse life events (may have been recently released from prison or have a history of family violence).
Come in for a cuppa and tell us your story.