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155 Whare Kai calls for shelf sponsors: We’re running on empty

We're calling on local businesses and community donors to help keep our social supermarket's shelves stocked.

Kaihautū Whare Kai Daniela Johnson receives a donation from Kamo High School.

Kaihautū Whare Kai Daniela Johnson receives a donation from Kamo High School.

We are struggling to supply $7,500 to $17,500 worth of groceries every week to cater for the 50 to 55 free shopping slots available to the Whangārei community.

While we receive kai donations from Foodstuffs North Island, local supermarkets, food producers and local businesses who support our mahi, it is not enough.

In an effort to ease the pressure, we are inviting local businesses and the community to sponsor a shelf.

Just like a supermarket, 155 Whare Kai provides necessities including freezer items such as meats, frozen veg, chiller items such as butter, cheeses, milks and creams, hygiene products, breakfast foods, oils and sauces, laundry, cleaning and toilet products, and baking essentials.

Bookings for a shop are made through our 155 Whare Āwhina team, who assist whwith wraparound help and support. We also help whānau to apply for a Work and Income food grant and ensure they are receiving all the support they are entitled to through the Ministry of Social Development.

Our social supermarket has been open since September 2022, and the financial landscape has changed considerably since then.

The COVID-related funding we received when we opened has long dried up but it’s the increasing price of food that’s stretching us with very little budget to work with.

Shelf sponsors can choose to sponsor a shelf in return for having their logo or name visible on the shelf for the chosen period of time and a post of appreciation on 155 Whare Āwhina’s social media channels.

If you would like to sponsor a shelf or donate to 155 Whare Kai, click here