As a charity, we depend on donations of kai, money and bathroom supplies to keep our services running.

Donations can be directed to a specific project or generally, where we will distribute across our services according to need.
Donating kai and other items
Egg cartons, reusable bags, kai - including seedlings -, bathroom supplies and towels are always gratefully received.
You can drop items off at 155 Open Arms, 102 Robert St during opening hours.
If you have other items to donate please call us or send us a message:
Call 09 437 0185 Ext 4 or freephone 0800 120 926

You can also make a financial donation
By post
Please send donations to the following address:
155 Whare Āwhina
PO Box 8134
By internet banking
ASB Bank Account Name: One Double Five Whare Awhina Community House
ASB Bank Account Number: 12-3093-0335988-00
Particulars: Your surname
Reference: Donation
Following your transaction, please click on the button below to let us know a little more about you, and if a tax-deductible receipt is required:
Tax Deductible receipt required
One Double Five Community House is a registered charity. Donations over $5 are tax deductible.
Charities Number CC50718